
From Dr. John Mark Harrison, Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church Concord, Knoxville, TN.

“I plan to nominate Dr. Bruce Frank for Southern Baptist Convention President at our annual meeting this year in Indianapolis. I have known Bruce personally for many years. When I led student ministry at Biltmore Church, Bruce became the pastor, and our plateaued church began to grow. His relentless passion for evangelism and disciple-making changed the direction of our church. The Lord has used Biltmore Church and Pastor Bruce to make a tremendous impact in Western North Carolina and beyond. 

For the last decade, Bruce has been a coach, friend, mentor, and encouragement to me in my journey as a senior pastor. God has uniquely equipped Bruce to connect, encourage and coach pastors. He regularly makes time for me and many other pastors to grow us as Christian men and pastors.

Bruce has provided faithful pastoral leadership for three decades. He has served both the church and convention with sacrificial leadership. He’s theologically conservative, strategically minded and missionally focused. He will clearly and effectively focus our denomination on the Great Commission.” 


Why I’m Accepting the Nomination for SBC President